Mighty Grape

Our vines have been bathing themselves in the California sun for quite some time now. Just so we could ensure the ripest and juiciest grape around. 

Gorgeous Grains

OK, they’re not just gorgeous, our grains are also delicious, organic and simple to use. We even have a fantastic recipe for our homemade whole-wheat bread.  Just wait until you try it!

Sweet Corn

Our sweet corn stalks have matured in a magnificent way this season. There sure to be a brilliant crowd pleaser for any summertime activity where food is involved. 

Our Products

Perfect Red Onions

Perfect for all of your salads and hamburgers this season, our onions are sure to knock your socks off. Gifted with a crunch and a touch of sweetness our onions give you something to talk about. 

Perfect Peas

We’re not one to brag, but our peas are simply the best you’ve ever had. There sweet, crisp and delicious. Fill all of your salads, pastas or as a snack and you’ll see just what we’re talking about.

Snappy Asparagus

Our asparagus is a perfect side dish for your summertime BBQ. There sure to send smiles around your table like you’ve never experienced with such a versatile vegetable. 

Brilliant Radishes

Here at the Golden Crop, we think that radishes sometimes get a bad rap. But, nothing beats their unique flavor in salads, or even on your favorite Mexican dish. 

Jubilant Oranges

Not only are our oranges our pride and joy, but they also are a huge crowd pleaser for every type of taste bud in your family.